Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Nissan Fairlady
Aku:Bagus,banget aslinya!
Aku: Pengen nyoba nyetir!!
Aku:Berapa ya harganya?
Temen:Lo pengen beli?
Aku:Nggak,gw cmn pengen nyobain.
Temen:Kalo lo pny uang,lo mau beli?
Aku:Nggak ah,aq cuma pengen mobil toyota kijang.
Temen:Kalo lo dpt hadiah mbl ini?
Aku:Kalo pas blm pny mbl ya aq jual bwt beli kijang,kalo da punya ya dijual trs d tabung bwt sekolah anak.
Dan begitulah percakapan antara aq yang kolot serta teman q yang emang devil's advocate!
Sexy Dancer
Dengan baju sangat minim
Engkau menari dalam tim
Menggoda sebagian pria untuk berhubungan intim
Aq pun cuma diam
Menahan panasnya malam
Yang terbakar nafsu haram
Hai sexy dancer!
Pantaskah kau kujadikan pemuas nafsu ku?
Nafsu menggebu
Yang kutahan semenjak lalu?
Oh, sexy dancer!
Aq ingin bercinta denganmu
Aq ingin meraba setiap inci tubuhmu
Merasakan keringatmu yang berpacu dengan nafsu
Tapi aq tahan semua itu
Semua nafsu semu
Yang menggoda kalbu
Pasti kan datang saatnya
Saat yang halal tlah tiba
Seorang yang bukan pemuas nafsu belaka
Mungkinkah itu kau, .... ?
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Kantor tercinta
Orang mungkin bilang aq g bakal nemuin temen sejati di dunia kerja.
Org mungkin bilang kalo manajer itu orang yg seenaknya sendiri.
But that's not me! Aq nemuin suasana kerja yang nyaman, temen yg mantab untuk di ajak sharing hal2 yg b'hubungan dgn kantor maupun hal2 pribadi.
Aq bahkan nemuin cinta q d sini ( ya meski BELUM berbalas ).
Juga temen2 yang aq g nyangka kalo aq g bakal berani natap mata mereka when I say goodbye to them.
Aq bahkan nemuin cinta q d sini ( ya meski BELUM berbalas ).
Juga temen2 yang aq g nyangka kalo aq g bakal berani natap mata mereka when I say goodbye to them.
Saat itu aku mata q bener2 terasa pedes ,Gila! That's not the way I used to be ( Dimas & Lia, semoga kalian nggak sadar kalo waktu itu aku nggak berani natap mata kalian, huhuhuh ). Mereka bener2 temen baik, temen berbagi, temen basket, temen nge rokok smbl sembunyi2 dr bos ( Windu, I'm gonna miss those moment ), temen makan d tovass pagi2 ato bahkan tengah malem ( upik, ojan, citra kpn makan d tovass brg dude ? ), temen dan cinta tak terbalas q Asta yg mobilnya selalu aq tumpangi ( padahal aq numpang cuman biar kita bisa ngobrol ), Dicky n mbak Eli temen pertama q d kantor, devil's advocate nya g akan aq lupain, Diki Piping yg emang ocang, Hary yg sok cool tp ngaco jg, Dewi dan Cindy cewek2 EO piping, dan semua project q dr CPOC, BFPL,SK. Kalian semua adalah fase yg tak terlupakan d hidup q. Keep on contact guys!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Halte Dukuh Atas
Bus Shelter with a lot of memories within,
memory of first time I go home with a busway,
memory of waiting that girl here just to go home together,
memory of the way that I used to Imagine that the bus is
suddenly stop in case of engine breakdown, so that I'll stay longer with her,
memory of the way I went home alone, cos right now she has her own car
memory of the way I went home with my head down, cos everything so sucks
memory of the way we queue in time of fasting month, which is hell crazy!!
memory of the way she gave mo chocolate to break the fast.
memory of anything,
from the first time I lay my feet to work in Jakarta.
memory of you and I.
memory of first time I go home with a busway,
memory of waiting that girl here just to go home together,
memory of the way that I used to Imagine that the bus is
suddenly stop in case of engine breakdown, so that I'll stay longer with her,
memory of the way I went home alone, cos right now she has her own car
memory of the way I went home with my head down, cos everything so sucks
memory of the way we queue in time of fasting month, which is hell crazy!!
memory of the way she gave mo chocolate to break the fast.
memory of anything,
from the first time I lay my feet to work in Jakarta.
memory of you and I.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Saturday, June 14, 2008
wah bangganya bisa jadi bagian KBR's Piping Team untuk project CPOC, maklum project pertama yang masih teringat banget di kepala. Gimana semangatnya diri ku yang sempet 4 bulan nganggur, akhirnya dapat kerjaan juga.
Ya meskipun cuman kerjaan simple nge check support, nge chek PID dan nge check Vendor Drawing, tapi paling nggak sudah sedikit menghapus perasaan " aku nggak berguna di perusahaan ini " yang untungnya masih belum pada tahap kritis gila.
Dan yang paling penting proyek CPOC ini adalah titik balik era Waiting Assignment q, karena sudah hampir 1000 jam kerja aq di assign buat waiting alias kagak dikasih kerjaan sama sekali, makan gaji buta dan akhirnya sempet banting stir jadi Outlook Engineer. Dan emang bener aja setelah project ini aku dah di assign ke tiga project berbeda, dengan posisi yang bervariasi ( mmmm... kok rasanya nggak enak ngomong pake bahasa ini ya.. ).
Well most of all emang bener omongan para senior dulu, ketika aq curhat ke mereka karena aq terlalu lama nganggur. Saat itu jawaban mereka cuman " Nikmatin aja dulu, kalo dah kerja lo kagak bisa nyantai lagi ". Dan bener aja, sekarang aq harus kerja paling nggak 7 to 7 dan Sabtu masih diminta untuk masuk. Pfuuuuuuuhhhh..... emang bener kata orang tua " Jangan banyak mengeluh "
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Each time I try to get close to you this unpleasant feeling always come. Feeling of uncertainty, should I just walk away and forget everything about you, though up until now you might be the good thing in my life...or instead, its just a way to test my determination to love, or I might just chasing pavement.
Well,whatever in the future I'll keep on trying and let God decide!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Hell busy
This afternoon ends with Windu's swearing in front of his computer. All animal in the zoo had already been mentioned, but still he cant solve those stress calcs.
He seems to get stressed,that he stay until nite,though he plan to go home in the afternoon.
Here's the story, he's having some problem w/ certain line. He's planning to fix it,but those line is already issued. Basicly he can do nothing,and what bothers him,he believe that he never issued it. So he checked it,in issued doc's binder. Then he found that he really is not the one. And then he feel relieved, and he can smile again.
Thank God, this day ends with a happy ending.:-)
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
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